Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Open Mic

When i was younger i realized i needed a girl.  
I looked into those dark brown eyes and knew she was the one.
I took her home abd watched as her beautiful golden blond hair flowed in the wind.
Our first date was to the lake.  I think i fell in love as i watched her swim through the water.  
We took our first nap together that same night.  
I was in heaven laying to her.  
I love her and want to be with her forever.  
A boy couldnt ask for a better puppy. 

Monday, April 25, 2011


I keep forgetting to go to the bathroom before i go to bed.  Its a weird problem that i have.  Every night I wake up and have to walk over to my bathroom, turn on the light (which kills my eyes), go to the bathroom, then right back to bed.  It is so annoying!!  Can i not just hold it??  Its like I  cant control my own body!  Im sure other people have problems with this kind of thing...  maybe a little bit different like drug addictions, or maybe pornography addictions.  They cant control themselves.  Geez ... makes me wonder when we will own ourselves completely??  Well tis is too much for me to think about...  I'll most likely wake up and burn my eyes while i relieve my bladder.  And tonight is not the last time I'll see the light.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Songs with Stories

 I Got a Story to Tell
Plot: Biggie is at a girls house that he met and he is kissing her and what not... Her basketball player boyfriend comes home and he has to think of a way to get out of it.
Character: Biggie, Girl, Basketball Player/boyfriend
Conflict: Biggie is with the basketball players girl and he doesnt want to have to shoot him
Theme: If you are smart and a quick thinker then you are hooked!!
Setting: Girls house Slash bedroom

Friday, March 18, 2011


I'm tired! Im tired of being too small.  Im tired of being too slow.  Im tired of having no money.  Im tired of being tired.  Im tired of waking up too early.  Im tired of doing stuff i dont want to do.  Im tired of having nothing to do and too much to do at the same time.  Im tired of being too weak.  Im tired of her...and her...and her.  Im tired of girls.  Im tired of having to go to school.  Im tired of worrying.  Im tired of not being


Love?  I really have no idea how to explain it!  If someone knows what it is then please tell me so i can write more about it!  Please don't be mad at me Mr Nelson.  I will add more to this post when i figure out what love is!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chase Hansen!

Ahh the Golden Boy!  He has never done anything wrong!  Hes never been in a serious relationship with a girl.  He has never been involved in any kind of sex scandal or leaked a sextape.  He is an unbelievable football player with a huge build and a ton of speed.  It is fun to watch him play!  Not only is he a great football player but he is also great at basketball.  He has gotten a lot better in the last couple games.  Probably the best thing about him is his work ethic.  While the whole basketball team goes wome after practice, he stays and lifts weights so he doesnt get any smaller.  he is also a very nice person and never swears or does anything bad.  OMG i love Chase Hansen!

Boulevard of Broken Dreams

I walk alone i walk alone.  An abandoned and hungry kitty that i didnt help.  I walk alone i walk alone.  I sold the guitar i never learned to play.  Sorry greenday.  I walk alone.  I walk alone.  There goes the girl i loved but never told the truth to.  I walk alone. I walk alone.  The sad kid i never took the time to say hi to.  I walk alone. I walk alone. 

I'm Thinking About You

Im thinking about you like Coby thinks about playing football again.  Like i think about playing football again.  Im thinkin about you like my dad thinks about me... or i guess i could say im worried about you.  Im thinking about you like Harry thinks about the one who must not be named!  Im thinkin about you.  Im thinking about you like flowers think about sun.  Like Pooh thinks about honey.  Im thinkin about you like carp think about...the crap at the bottom of the lake.  Like beer thinks about pong.  Like weed thinks about a bong. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Direct Orders

Top Ten maybe??
1 Rock out like you just got a date with Heidi Klum    yes
2 Rock out like you became friends with a saber tooth tiger  like on 10,000 B.C.
3 Rock out like you just got everything you wanted for Christmas. (Merry Christmas)
4 Rock out like you beat Harry Potter in a friendly game of Quittich
5 Rock out like you are in a cool rockband... like proving ground or something.
6 Rock out like you beat Kurtis Taufa in a fight
7 Rock out like you just purchased a half ounce and its not even 420 yet
8 Rock out like you just scored the game winning touchdown... again
9 Rock out like you got the girl of your dreams
10 Rock out like you were forced to take ecstasy but thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the night

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Hello, my name is Bilbo Baggins... I took this class because I think i will enjoy writing what i want to write about instead of being in an English class, writing about something awful like an old book or whatever.  I am terribly excited to express my feelings and begin this journey into my imagination!  I hope to get a lot out of this class and have a lot of fun.  Well thanks for reading.  I hope to bring pleasure to your thoughts in days to come!