Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Direct Orders

Top Ten maybe??
1 Rock out like you just got a date with Heidi Klum    yes
2 Rock out like you became friends with a saber tooth tiger  like on 10,000 B.C.
3 Rock out like you just got everything you wanted for Christmas. (Merry Christmas)
4 Rock out like you beat Harry Potter in a friendly game of Quittich
5 Rock out like you are in a cool rockband... like proving ground or something.
6 Rock out like you beat Kurtis Taufa in a fight
7 Rock out like you just purchased a half ounce and its not even 420 yet
8 Rock out like you just scored the game winning touchdown... again
9 Rock out like you got the girl of your dreams
10 Rock out like you were forced to take ecstasy but thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the night